Ghar Ki Baat: Nutrition Myth Busters for a Desi You

At a time when every Dadi(Paternal Granny) and Nani(Maternal Granny) has their secret recipe for good health, it’s easy to get caught up in nutrition myths and in this 21st century all we think about is, if the food we intake everyday is good for our health?

5 Super Foods

Superfoods are not just about taste; they're about packing a punch of essential nutrients to fuel your body.

Ghee or Butter

These two kitchen staples are not just ingredients; they're cultural icons, each with its unique place in our hearts and on our plates.

The ABCs of Fitness, Everyone should know about.

New Arrivals

Protein Power or Peril?

Enhancing your health with a sprinkle of protein powder into your milk or smoothie might appear as a straightforward strategy. While the notion of a chocolate or vanilla protein boost may sound enticing, it’s essential to be aware of potential health risks. 

A registered dietitian and the director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, issues a prudent warning: “I advise against the casual use of protein powders, endorsing them only in specific situations and under supervision.”


Fit Minutes 0 - 10

In the symphony of fitness, the duration of your workout is the rhythm that sets the pace. The ideal workout time is like a well-composed melody, harmonizing with your fitness goals. Let’s dive into the beats of workout durations and unravel the secrets of how long you should work out based on your aspirations.

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